Relief of the candida-related symptoms
I was told that I need to totally eliminate all of the candida in body in order to get total relief of the candida-related symptoms, and to do this by using herbs and vitamins to totally kill the candida. Will that work, and will that solve my health issues caused by candida?
Answer: First of all, you do not want to totally rid your body of candida. Here’s why: Candida serves a useful purpose in your body. It cleans up dead tissues in the body. It also cleans up decomposing proteins in your intestines. However, candida can easily get out of control when you ‘feed it’ too much of what it likes, or when you take heavy doses or large amounts of antibiotics. The antibiotics kill the natural bacteria in your body which help control (manage) the level of candida. Other stresses on the body’s internal biological balance can also stimulate candida to reproduce (sporing) at accelerated rates.
Secondly, in my research of several years using so-called candida killing herbs and supplements, I found that most of the ‘candida-killing’ formulas have very little killing power, do not manage or control high levels of candida, and provide very little benefit to the person taking them. I found the herbs and extracts such as Paul D’Arco root, grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, oil of oregano,garlic, etc., only aggravate the candida and the symptoms caused by it. It is believed by some that these herbs and supplements actually kill the candida, and toxins produced by the ‘die-off’ create an temporary illness called ‘candida-die-off’. This is total nonsense! The reason people experience the so-called candida die-off is because whatever they are using to kill the candida is an irritant to the candida, and the candida produces large amounts of acetylaldahyde and methane gas, which causes the person to feel terrible physically. So, the ‘healing crisis’ people experience is not healing at all – it’s misleading information about properly treating an out of control candida growth in their body.
On the other hand, some very effective products and remedies have been developed to help the body’s natural immune system kill off extreme levels of candida in the body. Remember, our immune system is programmed to leave the candida alone. Otherwise, there would be no candida at all in our body, and a balanced level candida is actually necessary. A specific enzyme helps kill over growths of candida in the intestines, and specific homeopathic remedies artificially stimulate the immune system to kill off extreme levels of candida. These are the most effective ways to minimize a high level of candida to more a manageable level that supports the body and does not produce a large amount of toxins as mentioned above.
Sometimes the effective supplements that actually kill candida can also cause temporary reactive symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea. These reactions are caused by the candida in this way: as the extremely high levels of candida are being decimated, the candida produces large amounts of toxins (acetylaldahyde and methane gas) to deter the person from using the effective remedy. These reactions will stop once the extreme level of candida is brought down to a level that is no longer controlling the body, but the body is controlling the candida.